Photo Gallery of our past works:  some examples of our engraving

The links on this page bring you to pictures of works that Riordan Artistry has completed at some time or another since its beginning in 1996.
The reason for this section of our web store is that our Online Catalog of Engravagle Blanks does not really give any indication to you, our customer, of what we are capable of.
There are thousands of engravers out there; fewer that can do the superior technique of sandlast etching; still fewer that can do multi-staged carving, and variable-depth carving, as well as sandblast shading on commercially available crystal blanks.
The pictures linked to here will do the rest of our talking for us, and show you that we stand quite a bit apart from the competition.
Many of the works shown are on glass or crystal pieces that we no longer carry in our catalog, because our catalog is always evolving, ...but they still serve to illustrate our craftsmanship. ;-)
                ~ John O. Riordan, Riordan Artistry, Inc.

(This area is under construction.)

  • Corporate
  • Sports
  • Military
  • Lighted Works
  • Love, Birthdays, Weddings & Anniversaries
  • Animals

Many photos of our work are on their way to this page. In the meantime, you can get a good glimpse by looking at our presence on the following social media:  :-)

Our Facebook page
Google link
Yelp Reviews